Past Events

Click on the images below to learn more about these previous events

2024 Events

Draw this in your style challenge 2

Poster by @mooncakemin

Draw this in your style challenge

Poster by @mooncakemin

January UK Meetup

Galaxy Con

Poster by @katherinen2002

New Year, New Books

Poster by @kea23_1

2023 Events

Cluster Con

Poster by @misskatwinn

Jonathan Stroud on The Writing Community Chat Show

Check out Jonathan Stroud's appearance on The Writing Community Chat Show (WCCS) that took place on August 4, 2023. Hear him talk about Lockwood & Co., his passion for storytelling and fantasy literature, and other novels he has written throughout the years. 

We certainly cannot wait for Part 2 with Jonathan Stround coming soon!

Ghost Auditions

L.A. Comic Con

Graphic by @cassiesnowberry

Sign at LACC by @jtrimboliart

Secret Spectre

Poster by @kea23_1